
Pros and Cons of Making Friends During Rehab and Recovery

It’s human nature to be surrounded by people to connect with, and this is the same for those recovering from substance abuse. One could even argue that family and friends are more important for those who are recovering. Being able to make friends in rehab can be the key to determining between the relapses and recovery.

However, the answer to the question “Should I make friends at rehab?” It’s not just an unqualified, simple “yes.” It’s also rehab centers near me important to choose the right type of friend — those who be supportive of your recovery and the changes that you’re making in your daily life, without hindering your progress or causing you to go off track. A cheerleader at your side to ensure you’re in the right direction and to celebrate your accomplishments together can make the triumph of your recovery sweeter.

Table of Contents

  1. Pros and Cons of Making Friends During Rehab
  2. What Is a Healthy Friendship?
  3. What to Avoid
  4. Building Relationships From the Ground Up
  5. Being a Friend to Someone in Recovery

Research has proven that social bonds -connections to traditions and customs practices of a community, as well as the support and encouragement from your family members and acquaintances can be key factors to healthy living. Social connections can alleviate stress and provide emotional support in moments of stress and also help to create the feeling of belonging, which can provide you with a greater feeling of contentment with your life.

This reduction in stress and happier mood are related not just to improved overall health and well-being however, they also lead to longer life spans and lower rates of addiction relapse among addicts. Research has shown that social support is linked with a higher standard of living and higher levels of recovery among drug addicts and those suffering from mental illness.

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It appears that the larger your social circle the more friends you have, the better. It was found that the U.K.’s National drug rehab west Virginia Child Development Study discovered that adults of middle age who frequently meet in groups of 10 or more people are healthier than those who have five or fewer acquaintances.

It’s a bit daunting to go it alone while you build a brand new, healthier life for yourself. It is tempting to turn to people who are familiar. Furthermore, the anxiety about a backslide could make you feel numb, stopping you from making contact with anyone.

After you have recovered from your addiction, you’ll learn a lot and making friends could be one of the most important. But where do you begin? How can you be sure of yourself to form lasting good, healthy friends?

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